Here I am, around 1953, all dressed up. I believe that's Academy Road (running parallel to Ste. Catherine Street) behind me, which is the most southern boundary of Westmount Park, between Melville on the east and Landsdowne on the west (I could be wrong about these names). This is a truly lovely park with foot paths, hills, an artificial lake, and an excellent library and green house--both on the park grounds--that are both open to the public. Our old Hillman, bought second hand from the Meldrums, of the moving company family, can be seen in the background. I remember lying down length-wise on the back seat of this car, it was that small. They don't make cars like that anymore, pity.

That's the corner of Academy Road and Melville behind me... This is actually a great location in which to live, although I always found the stretch of Ste. Cathrine Street, parallel to Academy Road and running through Westmount just a block south of here, particularly bleak and depressing. So, avoid Ste. Catherine Street until you get to Atwater. Louis Dudek lived for many years just a few blocks from here on Ingleside.
Actually, that would be the DeMaisonneuve curb you're standing on.
In the mid 80s they closed off DeMais and put the bike path there with some artificial (yup) hills and the gazeebo.
A Westmounter in Afghanistan,
Matthew Gray-
What a blast from the past. I worked in the area for years. The funny connection is that my family has run a long time (still going) moving company called King's Transfer. Small world.
I know this is old but thought I would comment anyway.
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