It's the last day of winter, the first day of spring. Winter 2022, you will not be missed. Hurrah for spring! Any spring, this spring or spring next year!
Here is the news on the spring equinox:
When does spring 2022 start? Twelve hours of daylight returns on Sunday with the spring equinox. The vernal (aka spring) equinox will occur this Sunday, March 20, at 11:33 a.m. EDT. On Sunday, there will be roughly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness almost everywhere on Earth.
Photos taken on March 10, on the path from behind an apartment building to the Westminster Bridge.
Farewell winter, you will not be missed; if only you didn't overstay your welcome, |
but you always stay too long, four months, five months (we don't like you that much),
it's too much to bear, you're not even scenic by the end, |
and even two months is too long for winter,
we tire of you, oh winter,
which is surely a bad sign, and we are happy to see you go,
you are no longer pretty or cosy or even welcome,
and we are no longer happy as we were with the first snow,
by the end snow is just snow, dull, grey, and slushy;
farewell winter, you will not be missed; |
there's a new season in town, it's time for spring. |