T.L. Morrisey

Showing posts with label Liberal Party of Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberal Party of Canada. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2025

Justin Trudeau: the legacy of a narcissist


But Canadians have finally seen through the disguises he wears,
and now he is almost gone

Be careful who you let in your home, you may not be able to get them out. But even more important, be careful who you elect to have power over you, for instance Justin Trudeau; his legacy is that he destroyed Canada. And that is the legacy of a narcissist 

Everything is worse in Canada after nine years of Justin Trudeau. We never had homeless people as we do now, we never had middle class people relying on food banks as they do now, before Justin few people relied on food banks, for the rest of us groceries were reasonably priced as were rents, and home ownership was possible for most people. Our health system ran smoothly and we didn't worry about healthcare if we got sick. Recently, in a small Ontario town, over a thousand people lined up in a snow storm to put their names in for a family doctor. For most people having a family doctor is a thing of the past; it's a good thing we have medical assistance in dying, we may not get medical assistance in staying alive (and this is not sarcasm). 

Justin's approval rating has dropped to 16%, but you wouldn't know it as he scurries around, always self-important, and still giving speeches as though he had just been elected, out of breath and sleeves rolled up as he takes a break from his prime ministerial duties to talk to the press. Social justice and self-righteousness oozes from this person. He is the Master of Woke! The Emperor of DEI! We were once a country that welcomed immigrants, now 70% of Canadians think we've taken in too many immigrants and want it stopped. Why? Because Justin let in over a million people without thinking out that they'd need schools, hospitals, places for them to live. He doesn't think anything out. 

He has changed the country for the worst and I really doubt it will ever be what it once was. Take, for instance, foreign affairs: we have fallen out with India, China, and now the United States has turned against us. No wonder Trump hates Justin Trudeau, who can have respect for a fool and Trump is no fool although he is a bad person? Be careful who you elect to have power over you because they will bring along their friends and enemies and other inferior politicians, the opposition is no better than the party in power. Can Pierre Poilievre fix what Trudeau has broken? What about Jagmeet Singh? Jagmeet was in parliament for his pension, killing time until his pension kicked in, and always pretending to oppose Justin's actions. It's Jagmeet the opportunist, always giving press conferences on CBC, his self-importance was obvious; just think, the head of a socialist party who wears a Rolex watch or is it now two Rolex watches? And Yves-François Blanchet the separatist, a puffed-up little man, someone who wants to destroy the country that pays his bills and gives Quebec the most money of any province in transfer payments, $14B a year and mostly from Alberta. Good luck replacing that in the Republic of Quebec.

These politicians are opportunists. Justin squandered our money and now, as a country, we're in more debt than we've ever been in, and it is just when we need to be frugal when Justin is out there spending us into greater debt, and of course his endless mellifluous holier-than-thou Woke speeches. In both official languages. And it was hard getting Justin to say he was going to resign, he hung onto power and was described as "delusional", now he is leaving, even though he pretends it's 2017 and people still like him. 

Quebec is heading for separation and Justin helped them go, he and his Liberal Party gave the Government of Quebec permission to destroy the English language in Quebec with Bill 96.  And Justin's "online harms bill" (still not passed in Parliament) would censor online content if the Liberal party doesn't find it politically correct, it has to be Woke to be online; this is the negation of free speech. Well, folks, count me out from supporting any of these politicians; I don't believe what any of them say or what they say they will do and I don't want anything they say they will do. My message to Canadians: Wake up, slaves! Wake up!  

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Nine Year Nightmare of Justin Trudeau

 End of the year report .  . .

"Grrrr" said Justin Trudeau

The days of Justin Trudeau running the country have almost come to an end, it's just a matter of time waiting for him to announce his resignation. His nine years in office have been a disaster for the country. We are alienated from India and China, and Donald Trump is making disparaging comments about both Canada and Trudeau on social media. In the news yesterday a third homeless man has died, in his fifties, he was living in a tent in our cold winter climate; there are homeless encampments in every city and town in the country. Two million Canadians visit food banks every month. Our national debt and deficit have never been higher. Our medicare system is collapsing and we all live in fear of losing our family doctors, we won't get another, and we live in fear of getting sick, who knows what kind of health care we will receive, maybe none; the message is "don't get sick". Our military is underfunded and demoralized and Trudeau's comments about spending two percent of GDP on the military as required by NATO is laughable; he says we might get there by 2032. His feminism is a joke as he fires strong women members of his cabinet; Chrystia Freeland, the Deputy Prime Minister, is the latest, she was betrayed by Trudeau so she quit. Our federal civil service has grown by 30% since Justin was elected and still the country is failing. The CBC serves the Liberal Party agenda and Pierre Poilievre, the opposition leader and most likely the next prime minister, wants to defund the CBC, close it down. Our population has grown from 36M to 43M in nine years, but who are these people? Who are these men I see wearing flip flops at McDonald's in December's cold weather? What happened to the point system for selecting immigrants? Our schools are overwhelmed by newcomers and we don't have enough teachers, housing, or medical services for everyone; Justin has flooded the country with people and even he is now saying it was a mistake; with Justin nothing was thought out, nothing was planned, it was government by extemporaneous legislation. Canadians always welcomed immigrants, now most Canadians think this massive immigration has been a huge mistake and want immigration stopped. The cost of groceries has made all of us buy cheaper foods, be much more careful about what we buy, some go hungry, 2M people visit food banks every month. The young will never own their own homes, property is inordinately expensive and now beyond the reach of most people, and many young people can't even afford to rent an apartment, they live in their parents' basements; the supply of new housing doesn't exist despite the government knowing the population was exploding. We have become a country that is not serious, other countries don't waste their time consulting with Canada, it's a waste of their time and we all know it. Canada was a happy place just nine years ago, it was thriving and it was a good place to live, but that is no longer the case. Justin Trudeau’s incompetence and commitment to both big government invading every aspect of our private lives and to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, (DEI), has resulted in attacking the traditional moral values of the country; and you had better be careful what you say because they do not countenance any opposition to their beliefs. Now that cannabis has been legalized everywhere you go there is the smell of marijuana. Now that medical assistance in dying is legalized —MAID— it is one of the leading causes of death. No government has compassion, what they have is expediency, and Justin Trudeau’s government is no different. And Justin now claims he helped the English-speaking population of Quebec, a population which is under constant attack by the provincial government; in fact, he consistently sided with the provincial government, and he supported language laws against us Anglos living here, we’ll never vote for the Liberal Party of Canada again; in fact, Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government have done zero for us; Quebec’s separation seems almost inevitable after nine years of Justin running things. And, just think, the other night the CBC state run news network rebroadcast a programme on how politicians are getting increasingly hateful mail, they are called all sorts of terrible names, told that people want to kill them, do harm to them, and some politicians have body guards and still feel unsafe, and the CBC also interviewed a few people who the CBC claims hate these same politicians, they were just good, decent, average people. Of course, the CBC only follows the Woke agenda of Justin Trudeau, it's all gender with the CBC, it’s all disparaging or ignoring average Canadians, it’s all biased reporting; it’s all trying to destroy what made this country great, and what has been the result? We've become mediocre and demoralized. Well, folks, no one approves of incivility and no one approves of politicians, or anyone else, being harassed or threatened and that has to stop, this is not a violent country, but under the circumstances it is understandable that people feel the way they do, they are angry, they live in fear of the future, the good life that we had is gone, and what will the lives of our grandchildren be like if it's like this now? It has been nothing less than a nine year nightmare with Justin Trudeau as prime minister. And, by the way, on last night's news, there was Justin Trudeau on holiday skiing in British Columbia when a young woman approached him and told him to get out of B.C., she told him to F-off. Is he finally getting the message? 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The state of Canada is not good


Average Canadians regretting what the country has become

Canada today is not what it used to be; we know that all is not well. Justin Trudeau seems to think everything is great, but just look around you and what do you see? In every city and town there are encampments of homeless people on roadsides and in city parks; food banks can't keep up with the number of people visiting them, even the employed visit food banks; average people can no longer afford to buy a home, some cannot afford to rent an apartment; the country is not united, Quebec inches closer to independence and Alberta has its own complaints about the federal government; hospitals are collapsing, we don’t have enough doctors or nurses; Justin has spent us into the highest national debt in our history, it’s in the hundreds of billions of dollars; immigration is at an all-time high (500K immigrants per year in 2021, 2022, and 2023) at a time when Canadian citizens can’t afford groceries or a place to live, many don’t have family doctors, and even the immigrants are leaving; what is going on? This is not the Canada in which I grew up, it is not even the Canada of 2014, the year before Justin was first elected. 

My family have always been Liberals and we've had several Members of Parliament in the family, all Liberals, and elected in Northumberland Riding, in New Brunswick; there was John Vereker Morrissy and his son Charles Morrissy, both were prominent local politicians in Newcastle (now Miramichi) who moved up to the Federal level. We were always supporters of the Liberal Party of Canada, and we were always social liberals, as are most Canadians. We were never conservatives; I listened to the liberal CBC, I voted Liberal, I loved Canada. That has ended since Justin Trudeau came to office.

When Justin was elected prime minister things began to deteriorate; it began in 2015 around the time when the CBC's woke bias became more apparent. But it turned out that Trudeau is a man with no moral compass for whom appearance is more important than intelligence, culture, or tradition; he has no culture, no traditions, no great intelligence and little education.This has been shown on many occasions; he's clever, he’s verbally clever, and he has money and influence behind him, he knows how to exploit a situation for his own benefit.

The state of Canada is not good; the old Canada is gone, and we're stuck with the mess that Justin has inflicted on the country. He is working to destroy our sense of being Canadians and our national unity, he doesn't believe in Canada, he doesn’t like Canada, he wants to throw out the old Canada, his allegiance is to diversity, gender, and wokeness, not to the needs and concerns of average Canadians. His aim is to replace traditions, our culture, our belief in who we are and our future, all for unproved politically correct ideas that will inevitably fail. Personally, I am doubtful we will ever recover from these years of Justin Trudeau; so far, he has worked to destroy the country. Is it any wonder that he is one of  the least popular prime ministers in Canada’s history? The only “sunny ways” Justin has left are in his imagination.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Justinius, Emperor of Canada

Our leader, Justin Trudeau

It will be decades before the country recovers

from Justin Trudeau's years in office, before the debt accrued

is behind us, over 500 billion dollars debt in seven years,

and his woke values—diversity, equity, and gender fluidity—

aiming to destroy values like decency, respect, and trust,

values that sustained the country during Depression and wars;

we have been weakened & betrayed by a man with no moral center,                                                                    a man entitled and privileged by his birth,

a man with no adherence to truth.



Justinius, he is the Emperor! His refrain and legacy

is that he kept us safe! He insists what citizens want is to be safe

and his government will make us safe, but always under more government

control; he has a cure for aches, pains, arthritis, the common cold,

and unwanted pregnancies: his compassion is great, he will end people's

suffering with medical assistance in dying for all, for the sick, the old, the military,

the mentally ill, even sick children may one day be euthanized; David Lametti,

the Justice Minister: "Extending medical assistance to people with mental illness

'remains a top priority for our government'." (17 December 2022).

A woman who had been in an apparently pro-euthanasia ad (on TV),

in fact she "couldn't find healthcare, applied for medically assisted death

out of desperation after failed attempts to seek appropriate care" (6 December 2022);  

And: "Recent years have seen a growing number of institutions treating

medical assistance in dying as a normal component of the country's

medical system" (22 December 2022). The public have been deceived, 

"One third of Canadians are apparently fine with prescribing assisted suicide 

for no other reason than the fact that the patient is homeless" and "51%

endorsed 'inability to receive medical treatment' as sufficient reason

for assisted death" (18 May 2023); what has our country become?

It's Canada under Justinius's rule. you can't make up how diabolical

the country has become . . .



There is no complexity to Justinius, human complexity has been replaced

by his single desire: to be a celebrity. He's Justinius, son of Pierre,

heir to the Dynasty. He's the Selfie King, dressing up in costumes,

wearing black face, dancing the wild fandango from Mississauga to Mumbai,

from Surrey to Delhi. Pierre the Elder pirouetted behind Queen Elizabeth

(nothing is extemporaneous with these people, nothing is honest; integrity

does not exist for these people); in London for the Queen's funeral, Justinius

left the hotel's piano lounge door open, and loudly sang "Bohemian Rhapsody",

it was all see me see me see me, look at me look at me look at me; and there he was,

smiling in T-shirt, shallow and vacuous, in whom gravitas never existed,

it's all phony with Justinius; not a word spoken by this man is true.

His hotel room cost taxpayers $6,000. a night, while Canadians

economized, lived on the cheap, worried about job security, some ending up homeless and

unemployed, and we all saw the country decline. He will spend us into Third World status,

money means nothing to Justinius, he is the profligate son of money and entitlement.



You can't make up what Justinius has done to destroy the country:

increasing numbers of Canadians are homeless, living on the streets, in parks,

back alleys, bus shelters, and sleeping under tarps in winter; drug addiction

is an epidemic; rents have doubled; home ownership impossible for most Canadians,

they can't even afford an apartment in any major city (so what does Justin do?

he lets in to the country 500K immigrants, push the population passed 40M);

the medical system is broken, doctors and nurses are fleeing, hospitals are collapsing;

massive debt and out of control inflation; the cost of groceries prohibitive;

the mismanagement of the everyday running of government; thousands of people

camped out overnight in long lines to get a passport; three out of ten worst airports

in the world are in Canada; out of control government spending and out of control

national debt; an entitled and privileged prime minister selling out minorities;

he'd be El Generalissimo with epaulets and phony medals if he could,

if he wanted, maybe he does.And this is just the beginning of the list . . .

            Justinius doesn't care about anybody: consider his Covid mandates, 

his love of Communist China, his admiration for Fidel Castro. 

As part of the Emergencies Act, bank accounts of the Freedom Convoy members 

were frozen—but then how to pay rent? Buy groceries? Medication?—it was petty 

and punitive and unnecessary; it was the authoritarian act of an authoritarian bully. 

At every chance he repeats his lies about the Freedom Convoy; he has no love of freedom 

and to hell with our Constitution, for what the Constitution is worth.

            It's all psychology with Justinius, he's the narcissistic son copying and one-upping his famous 

father; while Pierre stood up to the thugs who threw bottles at him at a St. Jean Baptiste parade, 

Justinius hid during the Freedom Convoy; Pierre had the War Measure's Act

so Justinius had to have the Emergencies Act.

            Re. the inquiry into the Emergencies Act:

"The Ontario Provincial Police intelligence unit never found evidence demonstrating that the Freedom Convoy posed a direct threat to national security before the unprecedented use of the Emergencies Act was invoked by the federal government" and they "saw no direct threat in the convoy" (21 October 2022), and neither did CSIS;  there was no right wing American money funding the Convoy; the Freedom Convoy was never Canada's January 6th insurrection; there was no desecration of monuments, this was made up by the CBC and used to convince people that the Convoy was dangerous; it was a peaceful if inconvenient demonstration; it was a festival of freedom.



You can smell the decomp in Ottawa from sea to sea to sea, but you won't hear about it

on the CBC; Justinius has friends at the CBC, he pays their way, $1.5B a year

(visualize a beached dead whale, bloated double in size with decaying matter and gas, decomposing on 

a deserted beach). The CBC's mandate betrayed, now they're full-time

social justice warriors; climate change, gender fluidity, and diversity—no wonder they fail in both 

ratings and entertainment—, but who needs a large audience when they have an unlimited subsidy from 

taxpayers? If no one watched the CBC would the CBC care? They don't care,

they have Justinius on their side; Justinius who is destroying what it took Canadians

150 years to build; he's working on destroying our history, our freedom, our values, our culture;                                                                                                 the country

                                                                                                made over

                                                                                                in his image;

                                                                                                it will be decades

                                                                                                before the damage

                                                                                                caused by this man

                                                                                                is behind us.