The quality of many things we buy has declined, instead of increasing the price of consumer items manufacturers reduce the quality. Even knowing this I was surprised at the quality of bacon, something I haven't cooked in over ten years. And I love bacon, but at local restaurants--two eggs over easy, bacon, coffee, double order of white bread toasted, and jam--my favourite meal. Well, it's Easter and I was feeling in a generous mood instead of my usual self-deprivation and frugality and bought a package of bacon, a pricey $10.00 for what used to cost maybe $6.00; how do young families survive the inflationary cost of food? And then, just yesterday, I decided to cook some of this "bacon"... it was impossible to separate the strips of bacon, it was a greasy mass of stringy meat... And it didn't fry very well. So, if you're going to buy bacon, spend more and get something worth buying.
No strips of bacon, just a mass of stringy fat and a little meat |
A package of bacon ... |
It was Easter and I was feeling generous and bought, as a treat, hot cross buns. Good luck finding hot cross buns amid all of the doughnuts, pecan tarts, and macarons, etc., that are in the bread, pastry, and cake department at the IGA. So, here (pictured below) is what they had, manufactured by POM bakery; POM is an acronym for Pride of Montreal and their large bakery, 132 years old, used to be located near the bottom of Landsdowne Avenue on Ste. Catherine Street West in Westmount, that building was converted into condos long ago. And POM is now owned by BIMBO which is a Mexican firm. So, it should be Orgullo de Mexico, ODM, not POM. As for the hot cross buns, a Christian treat sold only at Easter, there is no reference to hot cross buns on the package, it is now brioche aux raisin, raisin buns; and I would never have bought whole wheat hot cross buns, do I want health when I eat two or three hot cross buns every few years? No way. It was more like healthy raisin bread than anything else. Would I be going too far in saying it is another cancellation of Christianity now that they've canceled hot cross buns? You may think I am joking or exaggerating, but why not label hot cross buns as what they are, not delete the symbolism? Bimbo would not be impressed...
Otherwise known as hot cross buns |