T.L. Morrisey

Showing posts with label expediency and power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label expediency and power. Show all posts

Sunday, September 22, 2024

We've let them in and now they won't leave

This political poster reads, "For a better future, Vote for none of the above"


Be careful who you let in your home, you may not be able to get them out; be careful who you elect, you may not be able to get rid of them. For instance, we’ve had Justin Trudeau as prime minister for nine years, that’s three elections, one Trudeau majority and two Trudeau minority governments; he doesn’t care that Canadians don’t want him, Canadians don’t like him, but he won't resign before the next election. One commentator said that Justin Trudeau is "delusional".

Be careful to keep woke and progressive politicians out of office, for them ideology, power, and expediency come before good governance, financial responsibility, and adherence to traditional values. Justin and his progressive cohort have changed this country so that it is unrecognizable, it wasn't this way before he came to office: homeless people are everywhere; more people than ever are visiting food banks; drug addiction is spreading; there is a general loss of morale and growing hopelessness among the population; there is out of control immigration caused by Justin's government and there was no planning for how to house, school, or provide medical services for these people; we have a demoralized, underfunded, and depleted military, gone are the days when we were proud of our military; we have an incompetent government bureaucracy and general incompetence by political leaders; consider the prohibitive cost of buying a home or renting an apartment, no wonder people are sleeping in tents and in shelters; on the world stage Canada is seen as not being serious or trustworthy because Justin Trudeau is not a serious or trustworthy person; the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is now second rate and is constantly woke and shallow; we live in fear of losing our family doctors or getting seriously ill because the health system is broken; Quebec is openly and proudly denying civil rights to its English-speaking population with Ottawa’s approval and support; there is out of control antisemitism in our communities and on university campuses, it's a disgrace; promiscuous, and profligate, and ill-thought out spending has doubled our national debt since 2008, it is now at an all time high of $2.1T, that’s correct, it is two point one trillion dollars; Justin Trudeau enacted the outrageous and unnecessary use of the Emergency Act against the freedom convoy in Ottawa; Justin Trudeau enacts legislation for that which we can't afford and that which invades the privacy of citizens: can it get worse than this? Justin Trudeau's government has done more to destroy Canada than any other government since Confederation. This is no longer "our Canada", this is some kind of foreign entity we don't recognize as the country we once loved. I am pessimistic, I don’t think it can be repaired --Justin Trudeau wrecked it-- it should never have been allowed to happen in the first place.

And now, here is the latest example of Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party incompetence: this government has now spent $67M on buying back guns from the population; after about five years not one gun has been bought; that is, $67M spent on nothing but bureaucrats. This is how our tax dollars are being squandered and how the country is being run.