T.L. Morrisey

Showing posts with label Woke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woke. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2025

Justin Trudeau: the legacy of a narcissist


But Canadians have finally seen through the disguises he wears,
and now he is almost gone

Be careful who you let in your home, you may not be able to get them out. But even more important, be careful who you elect to have power over you, for instance Justin Trudeau; his legacy is that he destroyed Canada. And that is the legacy of a narcissist 

Everything is worse in Canada after nine years of Justin Trudeau. We never had homeless people as we do now, we never had middle class people relying on food banks as they do now, before Justin few people relied on food banks, for the rest of us groceries were reasonably priced as were rents, and home ownership was possible for most people. Our health system ran smoothly and we didn't worry about healthcare if we got sick. Recently, in a small Ontario town, over a thousand people lined up in a snow storm to put their names in for a family doctor. For most people having a family doctor is a thing of the past; it's a good thing we have medical assistance in dying, we may not get medical assistance in staying alive (and this is not sarcasm). 

Justin's approval rating has dropped to 16%, but you wouldn't know it as he scurries around, always self-important, and still giving speeches as though he had just been elected, out of breath and sleeves rolled up as he takes a break from his prime ministerial duties to talk to the press. Social justice and self-righteousness oozes from this person. He is the Master of Woke! The Emperor of DEI! We were once a country that welcomed immigrants, now 70% of Canadians think we've taken in too many immigrants and want it stopped. Why? Because Justin let in over a million people without thinking out that they'd need schools, hospitals, places for them to live. He doesn't think anything out. 

He has changed the country for the worst and I really doubt it will ever be what it once was. Take, for instance, foreign affairs: we have fallen out with India, China, and now the United States has turned against us. No wonder Trump hates Justin Trudeau, who can have respect for a fool and Trump is no fool although he is a bad person? Be careful who you elect to have power over you because they will bring along their friends and enemies and other inferior politicians, the opposition is no better than the party in power. Can Pierre Poilievre fix what Trudeau has broken? What about Jagmeet Singh? Jagmeet was in parliament for his pension, killing time until his pension kicked in, and always pretending to oppose Justin's actions. It's Jagmeet the opportunist, always giving press conferences on CBC, his self-importance was obvious; just think, the head of a socialist party who wears a Rolex watch or is it now two Rolex watches? And Yves-François Blanchet the separatist, a puffed-up little man, someone who wants to destroy the country that pays his bills and gives Quebec the most money of any province in transfer payments, $14B a year and mostly from Alberta. Good luck replacing that in the Republic of Quebec.

These politicians are opportunists. Justin squandered our money and now, as a country, we're in more debt than we've ever been in, and it is just when we need to be frugal when Justin is out there spending us into greater debt, and of course his endless mellifluous holier-than-thou Woke speeches. In both official languages. And it was hard getting Justin to say he was going to resign, he hung onto power and was described as "delusional", now he is leaving, even though he pretends it's 2017 and people still like him. 

Quebec is heading for separation and Justin helped them go, he and his Liberal Party gave the Government of Quebec permission to destroy the English language in Quebec with Bill 96.  And Justin's "online harms bill" (still not passed in Parliament) would censor online content if the Liberal party doesn't find it politically correct, it has to be Woke to be online; this is the negation of free speech. Well, folks, count me out from supporting any of these politicians; I don't believe what any of them say or what they say they will do and I don't want anything they say they will do. My message to Canadians: Wake up, slaves! Wake up!  

Sunday, September 17, 2023

You will only make it worse


A curious counterintuitive thought: is it possible that reforms -- legislation, laws, things that liberal people believe -- have ended up worsening rather than improving society? Did progressive legislation end up worsening more than it helped? To paraphrase John Cage, don’t try to improve society, you’ll only make it worse. 


Is what we have now, a divided society, with homeless encampments in every major city as well as in smaller cities, towns, and rural Canada, an increase in drug addiction and mental illness, the absence of rental units so that rents have increased and renters live in fear of both rent increases and losing where they live, the inflated cost of food a constant worry to average people, hospitals collapsing, is this what reforms have ended up producing; we plug holes in the dike and bigger new holes appear a few feet away.


Consider our present dysfunctional, divided society, and the future dystopia, did anyone envisage this future for Canada? Things seem worse; "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; /Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world". The government and well-meaning people find the answer to social ills in more government intervention in people's lives, they want to keep us "safe", a favourite word of Justin Trudeau; Justin always wants to keep us safe, but for one group to be "safe" another group is oppressed. 


Surely the 1950s must have been much worse than today. But were they? Remember the film The Hours in which Julianne Moore played Laura Brown, a 1950s housewife; she hated her life, she was a prisoner of that life, but reflecting on the character Julianne Moore played, we see her as a very unpleasant and selfish person, not someone to feel sorry for. We sympathized with her feeling entrapped by her life, conformity weighed heavily on society; she must have been oppressed by an angry and abusive husband as feminists have portrayed men. It was the 1950s so it must have been the way Hollywood portrayed it; Hollywood doesn't lie. But we also see that the cause of Julianne Moore`s character's anxiety was herself, she placed herself first, not her husband, not her son; nobody came first but her. What about Laura Brown's life was so bad? She had a house in suburbia, only one child, a young son who loved her, a husband who loved her and who wanted to please her, a next door neighbour who was supportive of her. And what did she do? She ran away one day, she deserted her son and husband, to the applause of many people watching the film; Laura Brown claims she chose life over death. Too bad for her son who was traumatized by her abandonment of him. (Did one or both of your parents abandon you or said they were leaving you when you were a child? Consider the depth of trauma abandonment, or death of a parent, causes in a child.) Then she lead a life of her own, maybe in a room of her own, probably reading Virginia Woolf's novels, maybe she read Mrs. Dalloway, and her son, who became a poet, committed suicide, he jumped from his loft window. His mother showed up for his memorial service. The perceived judgement, promoted by Hollywood films, is that the 1950s were deadly to the soul, to the spirit; the homogeneous society, the suburbs full of boring white people, the houses like little boxes "all in a row", were soul destroying, as Pete Seeger sang. 


And then we turn to today's society. Christianity is laughed at, rejected, or hated; the Bible is said to be hate literature and the progressives want parts of it censored; values are laughed at; marriage as an institution is being abandoned; our prime minister and others want school boards to have more authority over children than the parents of these children; medically assisted suicide has become another part of our health care system, the Hippocratic oath and the moral authority of our physicians is of little importance; freedom of speech has been compromised or limited; we live in a cancel culture society; meanwhile, there are encampments of homeless people in every city and town, in every state and province; an increasing number of these homeless people are dying of overdoses of fentanyl, mental illness is common; legalized gambling is a source of income for a money hungry government; we can’t house our own citizens and we let in millions of immigrants, does the government do any research before acting, do they ever think anything out? Is this what we wanted when we tried to improve society, piecemeal, with endless legislation? We forgot that what you change may not necessarily improve society, it may make society worse. We forgot that when the old is discarded it will never return. It is our collective hubris writ large. 


After eight years of Justin Trudeau's time in office Canada is in worse shape than it has ever been; this is what happens when someone is elected based on appearance and not on substance, when someone's progressive and woke values trump common sense legislation and frugal management of taxpayers' money; whatever Justin has done will eventually be discredited, it has already begun. Justin Trudeau's legacy will be that he was a wrecking ball, he is the Miley Cyrus of Canadian politics, he wrecked the country; we are now a society of debtors, a society without common values, a society where our politicians are always expedient and rarely insightful (look at them in the House of Commons, it is embarrassing, they are like braying accusatory children who have been spoiled rotten by their parents). 

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The CBC, Pyongyang, North Korea

May as well be a CBC news reader 

In 1936, the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC) became the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), which was a crown corporation. The CBC had a better organizational structure, more secure funding through the use of a licence fee on receiving sets (initially set at $2.50), and less vulnerability to political pressure.[84] When Bennett's Conservatives were governing and the Liberals were in Opposition, the Liberals accused the network of being biased towards the Conservatives. During the 1935 election campaign, the CRBC broadcast a series of 15 minutes soap operas called Mr. Sage which were critical of King and the Liberal Party. Decried as political propaganda, the incident was one factor in King's decision to replace the CRBC.[85]

                                                --from the Wiki page for Prime Minister MacKenzie-King 

So, right from the start the CBC has been accused of being biased, but it has never been as bloated and obese as it is now, $1.5B a year government subsidy--radio, television, cable, podcasts, and internet--and a history of being accused of bias. But it has also never been as biased as it is now with its woke, progressive agenda. 

    At times, it seems the CBC is the alter-ego of Justin Trudeau and it is then that I feel the CBC is broadcasting from some hermit kingdom, Ottawa, Ontario, always oblivious to their audience and persistent in promoting their woke causes. Maybe it is Pyongyang, North Korea, Justin likes dictators like Fidel Castro or the president of China and, like Justin, the CBC have no consideration for the audience, no consideration of service to their public, no consideration to tell us anything about Canada that actually exists, in fact no respect for  Canadians, no history, no religion and no religious broadcasts, not even any  programmes on Indigenous spirituality and culture, no programmes on the history of Quebec or Quebec culture, very little about any part of Canada outside of Toronto, no cultural regional broadcasts of concerts (as you will hear on BBC Radio Three, concerts recorded in regional Quebec), nothing on the culture of Canada unless it's Toronto-centric and biased and woke and progressive, no idea of the daily life of average Canadians, no programmes about the values of Canadians, nothing about the history and people they now demean as "European settlers" just as they demean pregnant women as "pregnant people"; but if a statue of Sir John A. Macdonald or Queen Victoria is being pulled down or splattered with paint, they'll be there rooting for the protesters, promoting the cause, condemning historical figures who helped build the country so that entities like the CBC can exist, doing all they can to attack the country under their three categories of interest: diversity, gender fluidity, and climate change. Do I exaggerate? Of course I exaggerate to make my point, but I am not exaggerating too much. 

    Considering how much money they get the CBC ratings are not good. If you want "news" and not opinion, watch CTV News, Global, or one of the other networks; maybe watch PBS Newshour or listen to the BBC World Service. A lot of money is being spent on the CBC's National News on cable, every night these people are seen jet setting to remote parts of the world to report on climate change or gender fluidity; I've seen them deep sea diving to report on the coral reefs, visiting London to interview Princess Anne, at the South Pole to report on climate change, and elsewhere; it isn't cheap, it's expensive.

    And I remember Wendy Mesley, a former Montrealer and one of the CBC's finest journalists, who was forced out of the CBC; as it was reported, she mentioned the French title of a 1968 book by Pierre Vallières that alludes to the "N" word, she was trying to educate these Toronto people at the CBC, but this made them feel uncomfortable and not safe.  I remember, as well, one of the CBC's woke dramas -- all of their dramas are woke -- in which high school girls were having fits and convulsions because of some illness, as far as I could make out, it was called "conversion" (maybe this drama sailed over my head); it took a while but it seems, without actually saying it, that the "conversion" these girls were reacting to was related to their sexuality, their gender fluidity, and then they trotted out soil pollution as the cause. Go figure. Meanwhile, on the other networks, not a word about woke or progressive causes, just Hudson and Rex and Private Eyes, entertainment that entertains, not propaganda disguised as drama. The CBC has even turned Murdoch Mysteries into a woke drama; is Heartland next to go? 

    When a broadcaster, like the CBC, whether it is Pravda in Moscow or Granma in Havana, or the harridan yelling the news on North Korean television, begins with a conclusion and a premise, it is not news, it is opinion, it is biased. I know there are good reporters at the CBC, Wendy Mesley was one of them as is Andrew Nichols, David Common, and Natasha Fatah. The CBC is Toronto, GTA-centric, they seem to think that Toronto represents Canada and their progressive and woke opinions are Canadian values, but they aren't. And if you watch the evening news on cable CBC, with its woman announcer, good luck seeing even one man reporting, it is a no man zone, it has become a mostly woman news broadcast. It all speaks to an exhausted corporation that is on the downward slide.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

On defunding the CBC


On the CBC:

The jaded public wants to be amused; journalists have to eat well. Reducing issues to personalities is useful to the ruling class. The "news" now functions to legitimize power, not to convey information. The politics of personalities helps the legitimizers to divert attention from issues that might upset the status quo. (7)

The Conservatives also justifiably felt that the CBC, then as today, gave too great prominence to the Liberal view of Canada. (19)

                                                        --George Grant, Lament for a Nation (1965) 

1.  That was then

For many years I listened to CBC radio; I was proud to be Canadian and the CBC was a part of what made me a proud Canadian. In the early-1970s I listened to Anthology on CBC radio on Saturday evenings; I listened to Morley Callaghan, Kildare Dobbs, Hugh Garner, Al Purdy, bill bissett, and other poets, novelists, and playwrights. I listened to Ideas, founded by Phyllis Webb, and heard talks given by Northrop Frye and Louis Dudek, among others; I first heard of John Glassco's Memoirs of Montparnasse on CBC radio. After hearing interviews with Ivan Illich I read his books and was introduced to a fascinating thinker and writer. I listened to Music and Metaphor weeknights at midnight, they combined poems with music and some years later I listened to a French language version of this same show on Radio Canada.  For many years when I drove to work and when I returned home from work I listened to CBC radio, they were great companions during this daily drive, the programme hosts felt like friends. This was excellent broadcasting.

2.  this is now

I rarely listen to CBC radio and, as for CBC television, I was never a fan and now even less so; this is because their dramas and news shows are often based on an assumption of the correctness of woke values. Whether it is television drama or the news, the CBC filters what they broadcast through climate change, diversity, and gender fluidity. Of course, this does not apply to all of the news items, but their bias is always ready to be included in some news item. As a part of this, they are contemptuous of anyone not woke or who disagrees with them. They don't seem to care that most Canadians don't follow their preconceptions about contemporary society. They do not support Canadian values, they do not represent Canada's history or traditions, it is usually propaganda for Justin Trudeau. 

3.  AIH

Lately, while eating supper, I've begun to listen to As it Happens, on CBC radio; in the past it was always entertaining, it aimed for some humour with interviews of different people. But AIH today is nothing like the old AIH, it's become annoying and woke and it isn't interesting or entertaining; even the new host sounds bored; maybe it's now intended to be educational . . . Gone are the days of Barbara Frum and the announcers who followed her; Frum was always entertaining, intelligent, and humourous; recently Frum's interview with HowardBallard, who owned the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team, was replayed decades after it was first broadcast, this was in response to Jason Priestly's documentary on Ballard; Ballard wouldn't even be interviewed today, he would have been cancelled long before his passing. 

4.  Morningside

I used to listen to Morningside, broadcast every day from 9 to 12 noon; that programme ended years ago but it was a great format and it was always great radio; gone are the days of Peter Gzowski and other hosts (like Don Harron or Judy LaMarsh); there is no place in the present CBC for intelligent people like Barbara Frum or Peter Gzowski. Or Wendy Mesley who was driven out of the CBC by the zealously politically correct at the CBC. These announcers and programmes were a part of my life and I remember them with fondness and affection. Just think, they got rid of Morningside with its various intelligent hosts who interviewed equally intelligent guests and they gave us "Q" and something called "Commotion". The level of intelligence and ability to entertain has plummeted. No, it's beyond "plummeted", it is no longer the CBC we used to listen to and love, no longer the CBC that built a relationship with listeners; this new manifestation of the CBC is some new manifestation of mostly white, woke, people living in the GTA who know nothing about Canada and don't like Canadians. 

5.  bloated 

My values, not the CBC's, include frugality and being careful with money, including with somebody else's money; the CBC's values include profligacy and actual contempt for the tax payers who pay their way. Just recently the CBC was given $40M dollars in Covid relief; they get $1.2B dollars in subsidy a year and when necessary it is topped up to keep them going. They cannot pay their own way, they were never self-supporting in the past and Canadians never expected them to be self-supporting, they had a mission, to inform, educate, and entertain Canadians; they are now indecently bloated and obese, they have a woke bias, and there is no effort to economize when the national debt is out of control; how can we feel we're all in this together when both the Federal government and their representative, the CBC, continue to spend our tax money when the country is deeper and deeper in debt? While Canadians struggle, the CBC spends.

6.   and obese

Think about the following for bloated: there are two radio networks, Radio One and CBC Music, in every region and city in Canada, which means several dozen radio stations across the country and each broadcasting some original content; CBC television produces most of its own content and has television stations, fully staffed, across the country; CBC News Network, on 24 hours a day, on cable television, with its cohort of announcers and reporters; CBC Gem which streams CBC content and some new programmes that are too woke to be on mainstream CBC and would not be acceptable to most Canadians; CBC News Explore, a new manifestation of waste, is a part of Gem, it's the latest extravagance and its difficult to see why it exists but we are encouraged to watch it because it's "free" (this is especially galling to taxpayers who know it's not "free", we're paying for this); there are CBC podcasts, made at our expense and advertised on CBC television; and there is CBC on the internet which includes CBC News, CBC Listen, and CBC on YouTube. There is also Radio Canada, the French language radio, television, and internet broadcasting network paid for by taxpayers. Radio Canada International was popular on short wave radio and later on the internet but it was jettisoned; and, increasingly, there are broadcasts in indigenous languages. Each of these manifestations of CBC has numerous employees; in fact, you can see these employees in the background when we see a broadcast from one of their numerous regional news offices. Radio Canada has a limited presence across the country. 

7.   Biased

CBC's biased reporting can slip over into being reporting of even greater dubious value; that is, news has become interpretation, bias, and even falsehood. An example: the second day of the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, in January 2022, CBC announcers would mention that two monuments in Ottawa had been "desecrated" by the demonstrators and they've kept repeating this story; among other things, it effectively cowed people they were interviewing into opposing the Freedom Convoy. It was ammo they could use against the Freedom Convoy. But the CBC has a double standard, it has never referred to beheading, toppling, or throwing paint on statues of our first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, or Queen Victoria, or Egerton Ryerson as "desecrating" these statues because the CBC sympathizes and agrees with the demonstrators who defaced, destroyed, and desecrated statues of these historical figures. The use of the word "desecrate" is also interesting, it is loaded with innuendo and exaggerates the demonstrators' action which was to drape a Canadian flag on the shoulders of the statue of Terry Fox. The CBC assumes an agreement in values between itself and its audience but I suggest that most Canadians are good and fair-minded people who don't identify as much with the values CBC promotes as the CBC thinks. The CBC wasn't always this way; the CBC used to help unify the country and be known for excellence in broadcasting. Now it's come to the point that the sooner they are defunded the better for the country.

In yesterday's Montreal Gazette (30 March 2023) it was reported that a synagogue in the Plateau neighbourhood of Montreal had been "defaced", note the word "defaced" which is used to describe that swastikas were painted on the front of the synagogue, Congregation Temple Solomon. This is more than defacement, this is desecration. The CBC used the word "desecrate" to describe draping a Canadian flag on the statue of a secular figure and have misused the word "desecration" in order to convince the public that the alleged crime was more serious than it actually was and to demonize the Freedom Convoy demonstrators. But by appropriating and misusing the word "desecrate" they have lowered its value, all in the name of their own bias. The synagogue was both desecrated and it was defaced, it is a hate crime. What was done to the statue was minor; but I heard, on day two of the demonstration, on CBC television, one elderly man who was being interviewed by the CBC regarding this incident, he wavered in condemning the Freedom Convoy and then, after hearing that the statue was "desecrated", he opposed the Freedom Convoy. Who could possibly be in favour of "desecrating" a statue of Terry Fox? 

Yet another reason this alleged "desecration" is bogus is that there was no public outcry against the Freedom Convoy for having draped a Canadian flag on the Terry Fox statue. No one cared. Draping a flag on a statue is not to desecrate that statue; there was no outpouring of anger against the Freedom Convoy after this act was reported by the CBC, it was minor. Swastikas painted on a synagogue is to desecrate that religious building. 



These people at CBC are so biased and entitled they can't comprehend any criticism, they can't understand that the public no longer supports their biased reporting. They have taken a public broadcaster and turned it into their little fiefdom, given themselves raises, enjoyed their special status and assumed it is the norm and what they deserve; they assume they can do no wrong, but they have lost all connection to the basic tenets of news broadcasting. Had anything been wrong they would have reported it and since criticism of the CBC doesn't appear on their website or in what they broadcast, then it doesn't exist. There are exceptions, excellent exceptions, and their presence makes the CBC News Network worth watching. 

"A 2017 survey of Canadians suggested that CBC TV was the most biased national news media outlet (perceived biased by 50% of Canadians overall, tied with The Globe and Mail) followed closely by CBC Radio (perceived biased by 49% of Canadians overall)." From "CBC News" on Wikipedia.


Google these newspaper articles: "CBC Paid its Employees $16M in Bonuses in 2022: Documents". (10 March 2023)

"Plenty of sunshine for CBC employees". (23 February 2023)

There is something repulsive about people getting bonuses when the rest of the population gets impoverished. As I said, "bloated and obese".

10. Twitter 

Thomas Mulcair, former leader of the Federal NDP, states that the CBC is biased in its reporting, biased in favour of the Liberal Party of Canada. It is not a secret, it is common knowledge.

Refer to George Grant's statement above, that Conservatives felt the CBC "gave too great prominence to the Liberal view of Canada." Even in 1965 this was obvious. It is preposterous to think that the CBC ever gave too much prominence to the Conservative view of Canada. They never did and they never will. Entitled people tend to be smug and not consider that anyone might not agree with how great they are . . . 

Considering that the present NDP has a third party status and buoys up the Liberals, it is curious how many interviews and press conferences feature Jagmeet Singh (talk about over exposure!), the leader of the NDP, and how seldom we see or even hear from Pierre Poilievre; maybe Poilievre doesn't give press conferences (his mistake), but that Singh is interviewed as often as he is, when he has so little to say, and he supports the Liberals, it seems obvious that the CBC's Liberal bias extends to those who support the Liberal Party. This should be embarrassing for Singh because it denies his independence as a politician. (18.04.2023)


Compare CTV's news website to that of the CBC; one (CTV) is straight reporting of the news; the other, that of the CBC, is a combination of opinion and news, some of it biased news, news promoting the causes of the CBC -- climate change, diversity, inclusion -- as well as other news. Seeing the CBC's reporting of Twitter's labeling of the CBC as "government funded news" is to see a bloated and obese corporation defending itself for being bloated and obese, and denying the obvious, that it is government funded. 


My God, even the CBC news panels are usually comprised of people associated with the Liberals, hold liberal biases, are related to people who are prominent Liberals, or have worked for the Trudeau Foundation. The assumption of the panels is that their liberal position is commonly held and self-evident. These are panels of informed journalists and experts commenting on the Liberal Party; they are well-informed, intelligent, and inclined to agreeing with a liberal bias. 


When defunding the CBC is mentioned by the CBC it is with a gasp, as in how could anyone think of such a thing? The CBC is perfect as it is and Poilievre began this crazed mania to defund the state sponsored corporation, but he didn't. The CBC's bias, if not in everything they say, is present in the way they say it. 


Watch the CBC News Network from, let's say, 6 a.m. to 3 p.m., and it's an almost all woman network; the host is a woman and she refers to women reporters; an example: a murder occurs in Montreal and this is mentioned by the host who then goes to another reporter, a woman somewhere in darkest Toronto, and this second woman reporter reads what happened in Montreal, but she obviously knows nothing about Montreal and all she knows about the murder is what she is reading. Why not have the announcer read this news and save the cost of a second reporter? It is also cringe worthy to have what is basically an all woman news network like this. Their bias isn't necessarily only in what they say but is present in the way they say it and in who says it. Is the mostly woman network payback on the men from when there were mainly men running the news rooms? It is no longer this way but these CBC announcers act as though this is still the case. 


Does anyone watch the new CBC News Explore channel? There must be stats on how many people watch this new station since it's only online. Basically, the main problem with CBC News Explore is that it is boring and irrelevant. CBC News Explore was never needed or wanted except by the CBC. I want to know the ratings for CBC News Explore and I suggest that it is very low, daily in the hundreds. CBC News Explore is like CBC's podcasts, the talent pool is running dry but they continue to expand, and it shows in the quality of production. 


The CBC is doing so much that is wrong, beginning by going woke. They have ditched popular shows, like Randy Bachman's, and replaced it with popular music that anyone can hear on privately-run FM stations. BTW, the BBC has the same type of show as Randy Bachman had, it is hosted by Iggy Pop on Radio Three and, like Bachman's, it is very popular. But the CBC is smug, too smug for their own good and Randy Bachman is an old white man, which means he had to go. The CBC should also listen to Walter Parker's daily five hours of classical music on Vermont Public radio, an excellent programme; they should learn something about their audience and radio. 


But they're too entitled and full of themselves. They seem to think the world revolves around a few blocks in downtown Toronto. The problem is that the psyche of an organization or an individual comes across very clearly to other people and the psyche of the CBC is no longer attractive, no longer interesting, no longer of creative people with a desire to communicate something important to their audience. It is of people who think they know better than everyone else. Yes, there is some excellent journalism at the CBC but the psyche is present in other ways, it is a bloated and obese psyche. It is the psyche of people who think they know better than everyone else and no one is permitted to question what they say or their self-belief. Did you see the At Issue panel last night (20 April 2023) when the question of Twitter and the CBC came up? When one panelist suggested that all was not well with the CBC the face of the host was displeased, stony, and because the psyche is always exposed, she was not happy, she appeared angry. Sometimes organizations need to be shaken up and renewed. It's that time for the CBC. Get rid of Catherine Tait who complained about Pierre Poilievre, she has no business commenting on political parties. (21 April 2023)


I could go on and on. The CBC is just not worth $1.2B. 

Note: this has been edited and added, and updated, since it was first posted. (26.04.2023)