T.L. Morrisey

Monday, May 4, 2009

2226 Girouard Avenue, Montreal (three)

It's around 1997 and I'm making my first visit back to 2226 Girouard Avenue, the first visit since 1968 or 1969.

SM in front of 2226 Girouard Avenue.


Devin said...

Thanks for posting these Stephen. I hope to be able to look at more information in your blog soon-maybe tonight if my back pain lets up. Jung has always interested me so much. I hope you are having a beautiful week (or at least the start of one:-)keep forgetting it is Monday-all the best!!

Devin said...

Sorry for the double comment Stephen-just wanted to say how much I am enjoying getting caught up on your blog. I am sorry that you lost your father at such a young age. I have been lucky in that respect in that my mom, dad and brother are still alive. I loved your article "Notes On the Mystic Beast 1997" great poetry and fascinating thoughts on the shadow part of the self. I can't wait to see more-it is so nice I think that published authors like yourself have blogs people can visit-I am going to take one of the blogs off my "main blog" and put yours on that blog also-I can't wait until I can order your work and some other authors like benjibopper and Leigh on my bloglists-beautiful poetry and thoughts -thanks again-can't wait to read more!!