T.L. Morrisey

Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Quebec government is destroying our universities


The campus at McGill University, Montreal, 1906

One day, last fall in 2023, Premier Legault of Quebec walked out of his Montreal office, which is across the street from the Roddick Gates entrance to McGill University, and decided, as he described it at the time, that he could hear too much English being spoken and, he claimed, this was to the detriment of the French language, and therefore it had to end. And who did he blame for this linguistic pollution? He blamed out-of-province and foreign students although he probably would have liked to have included all English-speaking Quebecers. This was the beginning of the Quebec government's attempt to destroy English language university education in Montreal and Quebec. 

Here is the scenario we were presented with by Premier Legault justifying cutting provincial funding and doubling tuition for out-of-province students at the three English-language universities in Quebec, Bishops University, Concordia University, and McGill University. The money from this drop in funding would go to French-language universities; the three English-language universities would now subsidize the French universities; Bishops was later exempted from this attack on English universities. Legault made the situation even worse; out-of-province students would now have to pay a higher tuition fee than they were currently paying (it was doubled but a few months later McGill and Concordia announced they would will subsidize students affected by this) and these students would also have to take French language courses that would add a semester to their studies, courses that are possibly beyond the ability of most Francophone students. Almost immediately, applications to study at McGill and Concordia began to fall. The three English-language universities are now subsidizing the French-language universities. As well, Moody's downgraded the credit rating of both universities based on Legault's pronouncement.

Of course, many of us in the English-language community are in shock over this, it feels like being stabbed in the heart; it is the wilful destruction of what has taken over two hundred years of work, dedication, and commitment to build. It is the legislated cancelling of McGill University and Concordia University, two of our most important institutions. These universities define our community but they have also been a welcoming place of learning for the majority French language community and they have helped generations of immigrants get ahead in Quebec. And it doesn't matter to Legault that McGill is one of three internationally recognized Canadian universities of excellence, the two others are the University of British Columbia and the University of Toronto, or that McGill is a 203 year old institution with a reputation for excellence in learning, teaching, and research. Or that McGill is the equivalent of a head office of a prestigious company and brings more revenue to Quebec than it costs to have it here. As for the threat to the French language, based on demography, this is bogus and it's an excuse to attack the English-speaking community; compare the linguistic make up of Montreal or the Province of Quebec in 1976, when the Parti Quebecois was first elected to office, with today, and it is obvious that the French language in Quebec is flourishing, and in all respects English is declining. All of Quebec, French and English speaking people, should be proud of McGill for its long history and international reputation; instead, Premier Legault and his cohort see McGill as a bastion of the English community even though about 25% of McGill students are Francophone. There is no reasoning with irrationality, ethnocentricity, and bigotry; no matter what concessions and compromises we make, Legault and his cohort are intransigent about their disdain for anyone who is not Francophone, white, and culturally Roman Catholic. 

While Premier Legault blamed foreign students for the dystopian crime of speaking English in public, what he was also attacking was the very existence of McGill University and Concordia University and English-language higher education in Quebec. Here is a hypothetical (but equivalent) situation to what is happening to McGill University, it would be if the premier of British Columbia visited the Vancouver UBC campus and, apparently, just on a whim, announced that he was cutting funding for the University of British Columbia because the student body is more than half Canadian born Asians and 25% of the student body are foreign students; all of Canada would be appalled by this, the situation would be denounced, Federal politicians would be shocked and demand redress; Justin Trudeau would be apoplectic. What we have in Quebec is a racist attack on the English language community, an attack on both McGill and Concordia; it is an attack on our community's history and presence in Quebec. It is an attack on higher education. What Legault wants is a white French speaking province of Quebec that is ethnocentric and isolated from the outside world; if you aren't white and pure laine, then you are not a part of the Quebec nation, they want you gone. But since this atrocity is happening in Quebec, and it is against our English-language community, it is greeted with silence and even applause by our Federal politicians. From them we hear absolutely nothing, it is total silence, they want the French vote in Quebec no matter that it is destroying our community.

And so, we see that the government of Quebec has targeted our institutions, our language, and our history;  Premier Legault's plan is the elimination of the English language in Quebec, whether it is English language signage, all evidence of our extensive historical role in Quebec, or our hospitals and institutions that the English-speaking community founded, or speaking English on the street or, inevitably, speaking English or any language other than French in the privacy of one's home. This is a very dark and shameful period in Canadian history.

Addendum: enrollment is declining at Concordia University due to Legault's defunding English-language universities in Montreal. 29 August 2024.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Parasitic Mind by Gad Saad


I highly recommend Gad Saad's The Parasitic Mind, How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense (Regnery Publishing, Washington, DC, 2020)It’s an excellent book that deals with revealing truth and common sense in a world corrupted by a progressive woke ideology. Towards the end of the book Professor Saad, who teaches at Concordia University in Montreal, writes,

Everybody has a voice. Activate your sense of personal responsibility. You have agency. Participate. Do not be a bystander as truth, reason, and logic call out for your help. Do not subcontract your voice to others. Do not self-censor. You and your children have a stake in the outcome of this battle, so don't be afraid to speak up. Do not succumb to the Tragedy of the Commons (as popularized by the ecologist Garrett Hardin in 1968), in this case a tragedy of collective inaction. (p. 172)

Monday, August 26, 2024

A walk in Mount Royal Cemetery, 28 August 2010

A copy of the Roddick Gates main entrance to McGill University, 
here it is a site for the graves of the prominent Redpath and Roddick families.

It was 28 August 2010; a summer day for a walk at historic Mount Royal Cemetery located in the center of Montreal, on Mount Royal, beside Cote des Neiges Cemetery.

Grave of Sir Alexander Galt, prime minister of Canada

The Molson mausoleum at Mount Royal Cemetery

View of the Molson mausoleum


Sunday, August 25, 2024

The fallen apples

Right now, in the garden, there are so many apples on the ground that it smells like apple cider, rotting fallen apples, so many I no longer pick them up, I kick them into the hostas, the hydrangeas, the beds of flowers, these fallen apples that fill the air with their smell, their perfume, these green and red apples visited by wasps, half eaten by squirrels, a ground hog passing through the garden, and the sound of heat bugs on a hot August day with their loud call from wherever they may be.               

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Tony, Knife Sharpening

First you hear the bell ringing, then you see Tony's knife sharpening truck passing by your home. If you have knives, garden shears, or a lawn mower that needs to be sharpened, just wave to Tony and he'll stop his truck at your door and in a few minutes whatever you've had sharpened will be ready to go!