T.L. Morrisey

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

St. Matthew`s Anglican Church

Here are photographs of St. Matthew's Anglican Church that I attended as a child. (Located on Macdonald Avenue, just off Cote St. Luc Road in Montreal.) Everyone seems to have a complaint about something these days, especially religion,  but I have no complaints about St. Matthew's or about the Anglican Church of Canada; I was always treated with kindness and respect. Reverend Canon Stanley Andrews officiated at my father's funeral when I was a child and he gave my mother good advice about financial matters: banking rules at the time would have deprived her of whatever money our family had because bank accounts were in the husband's name. Reverend Andrew's advice was practical and helpful, it was to take whatever money we had out of the bank accounts before the bank froze the accounts.  In those days, the 1950s, Anglican churches in Montreal had dances for young people at the church. The last time I attended a service here, it was Christmas in 2007, the congregation had dwindled to about a dozen people. I didn't know at the time that it was the last service I would attend there. 

Photographs taken around 1957, outside the side door which is also pictured in a later photograph; other photos taken from the late 1990s to around 2017.

This view was lost when a condo building was constructed in the foreground;
the condobuilding is under construction here

Above, around 2005

My mother, recently widowed.

My mother and I. 

Above, around 1957-1958



17 March 2017

22 July 2015

The Montreal Gazette, 14 May 2011

Monday, March 18, 2024

Driving home from work on 18th of March 2011

Until the end of 2011, when I retired, this was my drive home from work: beginning with the highway along the St. Laurence River, then crossing the old Champlain Bridge (now demolished and a new Champlain Bridge constructed there), and then along the highway to my exit, Sherbrooke Street West, passing the old NDG post office. . . .

Friday, March 15, 2024

A Canadian Cottage Garden on 14 March 2024

It’s been a very mild winter and spring will soon be here; so far, among other things, I’ve seen many Canada geese in their V-formation, cardinals singing in the early morning just before sunrise, and crows looking down at us from telephone wires. I’ve already raked the front lawn and done some work in the backyard before we had some snow a few days ago. Soon garden centres will be open and we’ll begin planting this year’s garden.  14 March 2024