T.L. Morrisey

Monday, July 10, 2023

A Canadian cottage garden in early July

 These photographs were taken in early July.

Day lilies




The sumac seeded itself a few years ago

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Trudeau International Airport in 2012 and 2013

Even as recently as ten or eleven years ago life was different than it is today. Travel was still faitly enjoyable, now many of us wouldn't want to travel even if we could. Here is Montreal's international airport in 2012 and 2013.

"Care for thy soul" by William Byrd


Care for thy soule as thing of greatest price,
made to the end to tast of power devine,
devoide of guilt, abhorring sinne and vice,
apt by Gods grace to vertue to encline,
care for it so, as by thy retchlesse traine,
it bee not brought to tast eternall paine.

Care for thy corps, but chiefly for souls sake
cut of excesse, sustaining food is best,
to vanquish pride, but comely clothing take,
seeke after skill, deep ignorance detest:
Care so I say, the flesh to feed and cloth,
that thou harme not thy soule & body both.

Care for the world to do thy body right,
rack not thy wit to win by wicked waies,
seek not t’oppresse the weak by wrongfull might,
to pay thy due do banish all delaies:
Care to dispend according to thy store,
and in like sort be mindfull of the poore.

Care for thy soule, as for thy chiefest stay,
care for thy bodie for the soules availe,
care for the world for bodies help alway,
care yet but so as vertue may prevaile,
care in such sort that thou be sure of this,
care keep thee not from heaven & heavenly blis.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

At Loyola Park, a quiet place


"Ye sacred Muses" by William Byrd


Ye sacred Muses, race of Jove,
whom Music's lore delighteth,
Come down from crystal heav'ns above
to earth where sorrow dwelleth,
In mourning weeds, with tears in eyes:
Tallis is dead, and Music dies.

Note: on this day, 4 July 1623, William Byrd, the British composer, died. Byrd was born in 1539 or 1540 in London, England. When Thomas Tallis, one of Byrd's teachers died, Byrd composed both the words and music to this lament on his loss, the lyrics ending with the line, "Tallis is dead, and Music dies". Words that are both memorable and moving.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

"Sloop John B" performed by The Beach Boys


My father, Edgar Morrissey, mid-1930s

We come on the sloop John B.
My grandfather and me.
Around Nassau town we did roam,
Drinkin' all night
Got into a fight
Well, I feel so broke-up,
I wanna go home.

So hoist up the John B. sail,
See how the mainsail sets,
Call for the captain ashore
Let me go home, let me go home!
I wanna go home!(yeah, yeah)
Well, I feel so broke-up,
I wanna go home!

The first mate, he got drunk,
Broke in the Captain's trunk,
The Constable had to come and take him away!
Sheriff John Stone,
Why don't you leave me alone?
Well, I feel so broke-up,
I wanna go home.

So, hoist up the John B. sail,
See how the mainsails set,
Call for the captain ashore,
Let me go home, let me go home!
I wanna go home, (let me go home)
Why don't they let me go home?
(hoist up the John B. sail)
Well, I feel so broke-up,
I wanna go home.

The poor cook, he caught the fits,
Threw away all my grits,
And then he took and he ate up all of my corn!
Let me go home!
Why don't they let me go home?

This is the worst trip I've ever been on!
So hoist up the John B. sail,
See how the mainsails set,
Call for the captain ashore
Let me go home, let me go home...
I wanna go home....

Note: Although popularized by The Beach Boys, "Sloop John B" is a Bahamian folk song; the lyrics were included in a 1916 publication by Richard Le Gallienne and in a 1927 book by Carl Sandburg.