T.L. Morrisey

Monday, July 17, 2023

Living on Belmore

We put up with--endure--a lot of cold weather for a few mild months, for a few perfect summer days, for the way we'd like to live year round.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

A visit to the Urgel Bourgie cemetery in Ville St-Laurent

This cemetery is located in Ville St-Laurent, adjacent to Montreal, with the elevated Metropolitain Expressway just outside the front gates. A few years ago I tried to find this cemetery, no GPS back then, but I did find the Robert Mitchell Company which is where my great grandfather (Thomas Morrissey) worked for many years; after he retired in the early years of the 20th century, my Auntie Mable, who was still a child, would pick up his pension from them on Saturday mornings and deliver it to his home only a few blocks from where she and her family lived in St-Henri. As the English-speaking population has declined so have the number of English-speakers interred in this cemetery; it used to be an affordable place of burial; the English-speakers buried here are largely working class folk; of course, through legislation our numbers have declined everywhere in this province and the Federal government has completely sold out the remaining million English-speakers still here. The French language is thriving here but the excuse for some very fascistic and racist legislation is the on-going decline of French; it's an artificial crisis but politicians love a crisis, it's a great way to motivate people to do your biding and vote for their party. BTW, Urgel Bourgie is a chain of funeral parlours and they've extended their services to include this cemetery, it used to called Memorial Park Cemetery. 

Bessie Richards Parker is my great grandmother, born in Blackburn, Lancs

Grave of my mother's parents, John R. Parker (a fireman), and his 
wife, Bertha Chew Parker, both born in Blackburn, Lancs

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Hold the Line by Tamara Lich, a review


Hold the Line, My story from the heart of the Freedom Convoy

Tamara Lich

Rebel News Network, Ltd., 2023

ISBN: 9781990583025


If you don't write down your story, no one will write it down for you, or if they do they might leave you out or change what really happened. Tamara Lich's Hold the Line is both her story and the story of the Freedom Covoy, it's about her participation in organizing the Freedom Convoy, travelling across Canada in winter, the arrival in Ottawa and several weeks of demonstrations against Covid-19 mandates, then being arrested and incarcerated. This is Tamara Lich's version of what happened; it isn't the mainstream media's version of this historical event, or the government's version, or Justin Trudeau's versio, they all vilified the Freedom Convoy from the beginning.   

    What was the Freedom Convoy protesting? It began by opposing vaccine mandates and vaccine passports but, I suspect, it soon grew to opposing Justin Trudeau and how he was transforming the country into something unrecognizable to average Canadians. Among other things, Covid-19 mandates restricted our freedom of movement, promoted mandatory vaccinations, required a vaccination passport if you wanted to travel by air or rail, and required a period of quarantine when returning to Canada from outside of the country. In Quebec Covid-19 mandates included a nightly curfew, the streets were deserted between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. the following day; what did Quebec's curfew achieve? Nothing at all. 

    The day after the Freedom Convoy arrived in Ottawa the mainstream media began demonizing the Convoy. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation began its daily misinformation about the Convoy; this included the alleged "desecration" of the Terry Fox statue that Tamara Lich mentions in her book. On the second day of the protest the CBC interviewed various people on what they thought the Convoy was all about. One elderly man was on the verge of supporting the Convoy until the announcer said that members of the Convoy had "desecrated" the Terry Fox statue and that they had Nazi flags, none of it true; of course, he then opposed the Freedom Convoy. This is only one example of how the mainstream media let us all down with their biased reporting. Tamara Lich writes:

We exposed the Liberal friendly mainstream media for its agenda and its lies. People across Canada, and around the world, could see how the CBC, the Toronto Star, CTV, The Globe and Mail and many others were working to vilify peaceful protesters in servicc to a corrupt prime minister who writes their bailout cheques. For every honest journalist -- and there were some -- there were a dozen or more who were out to call us Nazis or violent criminals, or claiming we were foreign agents or trying to overthrow the government. (218)                           

    Every evening during the Freedom Convoy I watched live streaming of the demonstration on YouTube; I wanted to know as much about it as possible. Every evening I watched as someone walked the downtown streets of Ottawa interviewing people, and what I saw didn't correspond with what the legacy media was reporting; but it did give an idea of what the truckers and the Convoy were all about. The first night there were perhaps a few hundred viewers of these live streams, by the end there was a nightly audience of fifty thousand, that shows the scale and importance of the Freedom Convoy; it was an event of worldwide interest. I was very impressed by what I saw; I didn't see any violence, I didn't hear much or any horn honking by truckers, I saw what I came to think of as a Freedom Festival. And where was Justin? He was hiding in his country home north of Ottawa.

    I wonder what would have happened had Justin walked among the protesters? This is not a rhetorical question or an attempt at humour. I doubt Justin would have been physically accosted, he would have been yelled at, but after the Emergency Act was enforced protesters were physically accosted and knocked to the ground by police officers on horseback. The police were following orders. Maybe, in the early days of the Convoy, Justin could have shown some courage and people would have been truly impressed -- go out and meet citizens with a grievance against the government -- but he doesn't have it in his makeup, and no one is impressed by Justin's relentless publicity seeking, his dancing onstage in India, his black face, his costumes, his bungee jumping, his relentless selfies, his singing a Queen song the evening before the Queen's funeral, his apologies, his taking the knee, his inviting illegal immigrants to enter Canada at Roxham Road, and lots more. It's disingenuous, it's all fake with this man, and it's obvious to the average person how false it is. 

   I always thought one of the hidden reasons for enacting the Emergency Act were the Fuck Trudeau flags; I even saw them in Montreal. Justin is narcissistic and the Emergency Act was his revenge for these many flags. It's not as though there was rioting in the streets as we saw recently in Paris after a young man was killed by the police; the demonstration in Ottawa was inconvenient for many local residents of Ottawa, but there was no violence. And then things got worse, despite their peaceful assembly, the police attacked the demonstrators; they broke car windshields with impunity, they arrested people, including Tamara Lich and others. The government froze people's bank accounts, and this is one of the most egregious acts committed by this bogus use of the Emergency Act; how are mortgages and rents to be paid, groceries purchased, life to be lived with no money? We also saw the banks colluding with and supporting the government. The Emergency Act was as bogus and unnecessary as the Covid mandates were, all a scam testing the public's tolerance for government intervention and control of average people's lives. All of it a scam.

    Hold the Line is an important book and I recommend it, buy a copy and read it! Tamara Lich is not self-promoting, she is giving us, the reader, her true story, and I believe her. On one of the night's of the live stream the man behind the camera entered a tent where a meeting of Freedom Convoy members was just ending. And at the end of the meeting the people assembled stood and said a prayer. I can tell you it was unexpected and deeply moving; these demonstrators that the media and politicians demonized are our fellow Canadians. I doubt there were any meetings of Justin, Freeland, Lametti, Joly, and Mendocino, all government ministers, who have lied to us, betrayed us (especially the English-speaking population of Quebec) that ended with a communal prayer and a statement affirming what they were doing and looking for guidance other than the shallow leadership of Justin Trudeau. 


Notes and After Thoughts: 

1. The other event that is similar to the Freedom Convoy is the 1935 protest against Depression conditions and the Trek across the country from Vancouver where unemployed men boarded freight trains; they were stopped in Regina and negotiations with Ottawa began but when the RCMP tried to arrest the leaders they were met with protesters and the Regina Riot began. The site of the Regina Riot is now a historic site. One day the Freedom Convoy will be similarly looked upon and Tamara Lich and the other Freedom Convoy organizers and participants will be recognized as national historical figures; there will be a plaque or statue located on the site of the demonstrations.

2. Tamara Lich is an intelligent and articulate woman; listen to Jordan Peterson's podcast interview with her; she is brilliant! She could run for a seat in the House of Commons for the Conservative Party of Canada, but it may be a big mistake.

3.    Who opposed the Convoy? It included the Liberal and NDP supporters, it was the mainstream media, and it was the managerial class of Canadians who are quick to protect their elite position in society. As an example of this, Tamara Lich's Hold the Line is not for sale at Indigo Books, whether online or in their stores: this is more evidence for why we need to write down or record our own story and publish it online or in print, if you can't read about the Freedom Convoy then it's as though it never happened. Indigo, their book stores and online, a failing business, were quick to cancel Hold the Line by not selling it; but it is not up to a company selling books to decide what we can or cannot read, and the Canadian book industry should be ashamed by their silence on this issue of censoring a Canadian book. However, Tamara Lich's book is for sale on Amazon, a highly successful American company these same liberals love to condemn, in fact it is a bestselling, number one, book; to be a best seller on Amazon requires selling 3.5 thousand to five thousand copies of a book in a twenty-four hour period, and Holding the Line did this despite fake negative reviews on the Amazon website, they were fake because these negative reviews were written before the book was even published. Hold the Line has mostly five star reviews, this is based on over one thousand reviews and book sales. It is still the number one best seller in Canadian biographies on Amazon. I would estimate, conservatively, that Amazon has sold over 25,000 copies of the book.  It is a best seller in Canadian publishing despite the haters, those in the liberal media who pretend the book doesn't exist.

4. In a blog post (31 January 2023) on defunding the CBC, I wrote: 

CBC's biased reporting can slip over into being reporting of even greater dubious value; that is, news has become interpretation, bias, and even falsehood. An example: the second day of the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, in January 2022, CBC announcers would mention that two monuments in Ottawa had been "desecrated" by the demonstrators and they've kept repeating this story; among other things, it effectively cowed people they were interviewing into opposing the Freedom Convoy. It was ammo they could use against the Freedom Convoy. But the CBC has a double standard, it has never referred to beheading, toppling, or throwing paint on statues of our first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, or Queen Victoria, or Egerton Ryerson as "desecrating" these statues because the CBC sympathizes and agrees with the demonstrators who defaced, destroyed, and desecrated statues of these historical figures. The use of the word "desecrate" is also interesting, it is loaded with innuendo and exaggerates the demonstrators' action which was to drape a Canadian flag on the shoulders of the statue of Terry Fox. The CBC assumes an agreement in values between itself and its audience but I suggest that most Canadians are good and fair-minded people who don't identify as much with the values CBC promotes as the CBC thinks. The CBC wasn't always this way; the CBC used to help unify the country and be known for excellence in broadcasting. Now it's come to the point that the sooner they are defunded the better for the country.

5.  Back in 1968, some people at the St. Jean Baptiste Parade in Montreal threw bottles at Justin's father, Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau; what did Pierre do? The other politicians ran but Pierre stayed on the podium; he had some courage while his son, years later, had no courage; during the Convoy Justin was like Waldo, he couldn't be found, he was in-hiding in his country home.

6.    Those who supported the Freedom Convoy have been demonized by Justin Trudeau and the mainstream media as ignorant, extremist, racist and biased, but to read Tamara Lich's book is to find a voice speaking the truth about the Freedom Convoy. We now live in a country where to say you are favour of freedom is to be labelled an extremist; in fact, Justin Trudeau is the extremist.

7. Cancelling someone used to be called character assassination; you can see the CBC and other media doing this regarding Premier Higgs of New Brunswick. 

8. My family was always Liberal; in the 1920s two relatives were Members of Parliament from New Brunswick; as a family we always voted Liberal, never Conservative. It was only when Justin Trudeau became prime minister that I began thinking outside of the Liberal box. The years of his administration have been a disaster for Canada and I am not sure we will recover as a nation from what he has done.

                                                     10 July 2023

Monday, July 10, 2023

A Canadian cottage garden in early July

 These photographs were taken in early July.

Day lilies




The sumac seeded itself a few years ago

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Trudeau International Airport in 2012 and 2013

Even as recently as ten or eleven years ago life was different than it is today. Travel was still faitly enjoyable, now many of us wouldn't want to travel even if we could. Here is Montreal's international airport in 2012 and 2013.

"Care for thy soul" by William Byrd


Care for thy soule as thing of greatest price,
made to the end to tast of power devine,
devoide of guilt, abhorring sinne and vice,
apt by Gods grace to vertue to encline,
care for it so, as by thy retchlesse traine,
it bee not brought to tast eternall paine.

Care for thy corps, but chiefly for souls sake
cut of excesse, sustaining food is best,
to vanquish pride, but comely clothing take,
seeke after skill, deep ignorance detest:
Care so I say, the flesh to feed and cloth,
that thou harme not thy soule & body both.

Care for the world to do thy body right,
rack not thy wit to win by wicked waies,
seek not t’oppresse the weak by wrongfull might,
to pay thy due do banish all delaies:
Care to dispend according to thy store,
and in like sort be mindfull of the poore.

Care for thy soule, as for thy chiefest stay,
care for thy bodie for the soules availe,
care for the world for bodies help alway,
care yet but so as vertue may prevaile,
care in such sort that thou be sure of this,
care keep thee not from heaven & heavenly blis.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

At Loyola Park, a quiet place


"Ye sacred Muses" by William Byrd


Ye sacred Muses, race of Jove,
whom Music's lore delighteth,
Come down from crystal heav'ns above
to earth where sorrow dwelleth,
In mourning weeds, with tears in eyes:
Tallis is dead, and Music dies.

Note: on this day, 4 July 1623, William Byrd, the British composer, died. Byrd was born in 1539 or 1540 in London, England. When Thomas Tallis, one of Byrd's teachers died, Byrd composed both the words and music to this lament on his loss, the lyrics ending with the line, "Tallis is dead, and Music dies". Words that are both memorable and moving.