It was at this moment that I discovered how much honey bees love asters. Summer has ended and the bees are preparing for a long winter, they are bringing in the last pollen and making the last honey that has to last them until next spring when they can, once again, leave the hive in search of pollen and nectar. This is serious business.
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Justin Trudeau's Canada in 2030
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Has any other Canadian prime minister ever been photographed like this? |
Crystal Ball, oh truth telling Crystal Ball, what is our future as a country?
It's not good. Just extrapolate from what Justin Trudeau has done to the country since 2015: our standard of living has declined; numerous homeless people are in every city and town; if you are young you have probably already given up ever owning your own home; the cost of food is prohibitive; and on it goes. This is our present, but worse lies ahead.
Let's pretend: Justin survives as prime minister for the next two years and, in 2024-2025, he is re-elected with a majority government. And then we have another four years of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. What will Canada be like in 2029-2030 when Justin is old, wrinkled, and grey?
1. There is no way you'll ever own your own home, that ended back in 2022. We will be a nation of renters. Lease your electric car, rent your apartment, own nothing, not even the clothes you're wearing. You'll be living in the fifteen minute city so, assuming you have a job, all you'll need is an electric bicycle, your skateboard, a new pair of shoes, or a walker.
2. Even if you want a road trip somewhere, a family vacation, don't expect to drive very far, your rented electric car has to be charged and there are few places to do this; your electric car doesn't have great mileage; expect the grid to have regular blackouts as it can't handle our increased demand for electricity. And in our cold winters your electric car loses 30 percent of its warmer weather mileage; you won’t be going far.
3. The government, and government funded school boards, will have final authority on important issues in your child's life. They see parents as the enemy of the new state they are creating.
4.Justin has us in conflict with China and India. The conflict with India seems dubious; it is convenient that Justin has announced this latest crisis just when his popularity is at its lowest. As they say, "never waste a good crisis"; they also say: "if you don't have a crisis, invent one."
5. And there was the Emergency Act that was never needed. Covid mandates showed us the future that Justin Trudeau has in store for whoever doesn't follow his party line.
6. Justin is a terrible manager of government, nothing is thought out in advance; if something fails he just spends his way out of the mess he's created. There are many examples of government incompetency under Justin. For example, our population is exploding, a million immigrants per year, the highest in the western world. Our population is now 40M, it will be 47M by 2030 and 50M by 2050. This is happening at a time when Canadians can’t find affordable housing and our hospitals are collapsing.
7. Visit any Food Banks lately? With inflation and our poor economy food banks will be a part of daily life.
8. Quebec controls immigration into Quebec, punitive language laws, provincial taxation, and Quebec is increasingly a separate political jurisdiction in Canada. The Federal Bill C-13 and Quebec's Bill 96 work in tandem to end the presence of the traditional English-speaking minority in Quebec. Justin doesn’t care whose rights he destroys.
9. Not feeling well, depressed, no money, homeless? Then maybe it's time to take advantage of doctor assisted death. Under Justin, many Canadians now see euthanasia as a solution to homelessness and poverty.
10. Need a family doctor? Family doctors are increasingly a thing of the past; many Canadians don't have a family doctor, or they are losing their family doctor, or they can't find a new family doctor.
This is the short list of how Justin has worked to destroy the country; there are other examples of Justin's vision of a future that is now being imposed on us. It is relentlessly dystopian, woke, and progressive.
I suggest that we need a "special rapporteur" to investigate the Justin Trudeau regime. We need a royal commission on Justin’s disastrous years in office so that they are not repeated.
Crystal Ball, oh truth telling Crystal Ball, is this our Future?
Monday, September 25, 2023
Loyola College, Montreal
Not far from where I live is the former Loyola College (on Sherbrooke Street West near West Broadway); it is now, as of 1974, a campus of Concordia University. Concordia University was created by the amalgamation of Sir George Williams University, which was associated with the YMCA, and Loyola College, which was a Roman Catholic institution. Loyola College is one more institution built by Montreal's Irish community, as is St. Mary's Hospital. The college seems to have retained its heritage and religious foundation, as far as this is possible in today's secular world. Hingston Residence is on the campus, William Hingston being an important historical figure in Montreal. There is a free shuttle bus service for students that takes you to the downtown campus in a half hour, or less depending on traffic. Vanier Library is found here as are newer science buildings.
Photographs taken the morning of 9 September 2023.
Sunday, September 24, 2023
The Canadian cottage garden in mid-August, 2023
Not a large garden but a cottage garden; not manicured and trimmed and finely rounded edges and borders, but a garden that makes its own shape, that makes its borders temporary, they may be different next summer, or they may be the same. More of a comfortable old chair with a throw and an open book on the floor than a formal garden with box hedges and roses. A garden of flowers, large displays of flowers, all perennials to reduce the work but also because perennials have a soul unto themselves, they return, they multiply, they are frugal in work but great in display. They return and return and always give more than they take. A place of solitude. A place of insects, butterflies, bees, and spiders, and of birds visiting the bird baths. A small garden that contains much. A garden born from where it began, a place where little was growing, a place of grass and a single old apple tree. Now, it is a place of walks between garden beds, flowers, and giving the appearance of being larger than it is.
Saturday, September 23, 2023
The Village Plaza in September 2015
Friday, September 22, 2023
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Untitled Poem, -- to Natalya Rykova by Anna Akhmatova
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Anna Akhmatova |
Everything has been plundered, betrayed, sold out,
The wing of black death has flashed,
Everything has been devoured by starving anguish,
Why, then, is it so bright?
The fantastic woods near the town
Wafts the scent of cherry blossoms by day,
At night new constellations shine
In the transparent depths of the skies of July --
And how near the miraculous draws
To the dirty, tumbledown huts . . .
No one, no one knows what it is,
But for centuries we have longed for it.
June 1921
Sunday, September 17, 2023
You will only make it worse
A curious counterintuitive thought: is it possible that reforms -- legislation, laws, things that liberal people believe -- have ended up worsening rather than improving society? Did progressive legislation end up worsening more than it helped? To paraphrase John Cage, don’t try to improve society, you’ll only make it worse.
Is what we have now, a divided society, with homeless encampments in every major city as well as in smaller cities, towns, and rural Canada, an increase in drug addiction and mental illness, the absence of rental units so that rents have increased and renters live in fear of both rent increases and losing where they live, the inflated cost of food a constant worry to average people, hospitals collapsing, is this what reforms have ended up producing; we plug holes in the dike and bigger new holes appear a few feet away.
Consider our present dysfunctional, divided society, and the future dystopia, did anyone envisage this future for Canada? Things seem worse; "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; /Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world". The government and well-meaning people find the answer to social ills in more government intervention in people's lives, they want to keep us "safe", a favourite word of Justin Trudeau; Justin always wants to keep us safe, but for one group to be "safe" another group is oppressed.
Surely the 1950s must have been much worse than today. But were they? Remember the film The Hours in which Julianne Moore played Laura Brown, a 1950s housewife; she hated her life, she was a prisoner of that life, but reflecting on the character Julianne Moore played, we see her as a very unpleasant and selfish person, not someone to feel sorry for. We sympathized with her feeling entrapped by her life, conformity weighed heavily on society; she must have been oppressed by an angry and abusive husband as feminists have portrayed men. It was the 1950s so it must have been the way Hollywood portrayed it; Hollywood doesn't lie. But we also see that the cause of Julianne Moore`s character's anxiety was herself, she placed herself first, not her husband, not her son; nobody came first but her. What about Laura Brown's life was so bad? She had a house in suburbia, only one child, a young son who loved her, a husband who loved her and who wanted to please her, a next door neighbour who was supportive of her. And what did she do? She ran away one day, she deserted her son and husband, to the applause of many people watching the film; Laura Brown claims she chose life over death. Too bad for her son who was traumatized by her abandonment of him. (Did one or both of your parents abandon you or said they were leaving you when you were a child? Consider the depth of trauma abandonment, or death of a parent, causes in a child.) Then she lead a life of her own, maybe in a room of her own, probably reading Virginia Woolf's novels, maybe she read Mrs. Dalloway, and her son, who became a poet, committed suicide, he jumped from his loft window. His mother showed up for his memorial service. The perceived judgement, promoted by Hollywood films, is that the 1950s were deadly to the soul, to the spirit; the homogeneous society, the suburbs full of boring white people, the houses like little boxes "all in a row", were soul destroying, as Pete Seeger sang.
And then we turn to today's society. Christianity is laughed at, rejected, or hated; the Bible is said to be hate literature and the progressives want parts of it censored; values are laughed at; marriage as an institution is being abandoned; our prime minister and others want school boards to have more authority over children than the parents of these children; medically assisted suicide has become another part of our health care system, the Hippocratic oath and the moral authority of our physicians is of little importance; freedom of speech has been compromised or limited; we live in a cancel culture society; meanwhile, there are encampments of homeless people in every city and town, in every state and province; an increasing number of these homeless people are dying of overdoses of fentanyl, mental illness is common; legalized gambling is a source of income for a money hungry government; we can’t house our own citizens and we let in millions of immigrants, does the government do any research before acting, do they ever think anything out? Is this what we wanted when we tried to improve society, piecemeal, with endless legislation? We forgot that what you change may not necessarily improve society, it may make society worse. We forgot that when the old is discarded it will never return. It is our collective hubris writ large.
After eight years of Justin Trudeau's time in office Canada is in worse shape than it has ever been; this is what happens when someone is elected based on appearance and not on substance, when someone's progressive and woke values trump common sense legislation and frugal management of taxpayers' money; whatever Justin has done will eventually be discredited, it has already begun. Justin Trudeau's legacy will be that he was a wrecking ball, he is the Miley Cyrus of Canadian politics, he wrecked the country; we are now a society of debtors, a society without common values, a society where our politicians are always expedient and rarely insightful (look at them in the House of Commons, it is embarrassing, they are like braying accusatory children who have been spoiled rotten by their parents).