T.L. Morrisey

Saturday, May 21, 2022

What has been taken from nature can be restored to nature

I write about what interests me, what I see when I go out walking, what catches my eye, what I'm thinking about, what I like and what I don't like. I like nature, not the great outdoors but what's left of urban nature; I don't like more urban development. I haven't walked at Meadowbrook Golf Course very often but I was there a few weeks ago and it occurred me to that the remains of the river located there, and that were recently buried, can just as easily be restored; they haven't destroyed the St. Pierre River, they have only buried it. Remember that television show, what various cities would like if the population disappeared and civilization came to an end? It doesn't take long for nature to assert herself and civilization to disappear. My God! Just drive around Montreal and experience the craters in our city streets! There is one street where it's like an obstacle course, where I swerve around the potholes.

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