T.L. Morrisey

Monday, December 14, 2015

Girouard Avenue (2009) now at the Internet Archive

2226 Girouard Avenue is the door on the right
leading to the upstairs flat

A few years ago I decided to digitize my out-of-print books and make them available as free downloads online. Only recently have I begun this project, it's long term and I'm slow at getting it off the ground...

I know doing this seems counter-intuitive to most people (especially poets), giving away the books, but I feel it is only common sense. Poetry has a very limited and ever-diminishing audience and "popularity". Copies of my books that I have left, hard copies, are doing nothing sitting in our basement in cardboard boxes.

Putting these books online (as is my plan) gives them a second life. It might even find a few readers for them.

So, here is a link to Girouard Avenue (2009), one of my favourite of my books. It got a lot of positive reaction from people who could relate to the content and I liked this very much. Someone living in Arizona told me it is a "holy" book, and that is how I feel about it. When I was preparing this book to put it online, digitizing it, I realized that it is some of my better work. It is the work I did during the late 1990s and 2000s, my first book since my Selected Poems in 1998. It is poetry inspired by my extensive family history work. There is also an essay that came out of writing this book, "Remembering Girouard Avenue" (also available at archive dot org) that explains something of the importance to me of Girouard Avenue.

In sum, the physical location called Girouard Avenue in Montreal became a spiritual place for me, it is my psychic center. As I wrote elsewhere, "This memoir ("Remembering Girouard Avenue") is an addendum to my book of poems, Girouard Avenue (2009). This is my psychic center, this is where I began in life and where I often return in dreams, poems, and memories." 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Proverb quoted by Chinua Achebe

                    Until the lions have their own historians,
                    the history of the hunt will always glorify
                    the hunter.

                                   —Proverb quoted by Chinua Achebe

Friday, December 4, 2015

John Cage, "Autobiographical Statement", 1990

I once asked Aragon, the historian, how history was written.
He said, "You have to invent it." When I wish as now to tell
of critical incidents, persons, and events that have influenced
my life and work, the true answer is all of the incidents were
critical, all of the people influenced me, everything that
happened and that is still happening influences me.

                                    —John Cage, "Autobiographical Statement", 1990